our services
sustainability reporting
What isn’t measured isn’t managed. Companies wishing to leverage the full potential of their CSR and sustainability investments will benefit from monitoring progress and seeking ongoing feedback on their performance from stakeholders. With over 15 years of experience in creating engaging and credible sustainability reports, we can help reporters get started and take disclosure to the next level.
We always ensure adherence to stock exchange requirements for listed companies, to international standards, such as the GRI Standards, TCFD recommendations, and SASB Standards and sector benchmarks such as ZSL SPOTT and World Benchmarking Alliance sector assessments.
We emphasise materiality and responsiveness of reports so they meet the needs of target groups
We seek to build capacity within organisations, to ensure that sustainability reporting can eventually be undertaken in-house
We provide independent advice on assurance. We do not undertake assurance or receive commissions from assurance providers, so we can give the best advice, free from conflicts of interest